Sex story of the day

A girl that I had been dating, we would always end up on the couch watching TV until late in the evening, I had never gone any farther than kissing, and feeling her boobs from the outside, she would not take off her bra, and it was too tight to slip a hand inside, and get a good feel. One night she was wearing a skirt and no panty hose, I put my hand on her bare leg, and slowly inched my way up to her pussy, she didnt stop me, so I kept on advancing, I finally got to her wet panties, and just felt around. She suddenly got up and said, I will slip into something more comfortable be right back. When she came back she was wearing a bathrobe, as she came in the room she flashed me, and she only had on the bath robe. She sat, or sort of laid down in the corner of the couch, I went over to her and sat down beside her, I started kissing her on the mouth, neck, tits, lower and lower, till I got down to her pussy. Then I got down on my knees, spread her legs apart and started to give her oral sex, to the tune of her moans, and groans, finding the best spots. This so turned me on that I got my penis out of my pants and started to stroke it, it was not before long I was making noises also, suddenly she said you are not going to come all over the sofa are you?, stand up so I can see what you are doing. I did and there was my penis standing straight out, she grabbed it and said, poor thing its about time you had some fun too, she put her mouth around it and sucked on me until I came, I never had a better sensation in all my life. After that I never had to ask her to give me a blow job, or anything, sometime in the course of a date she would ask, is it time to have that little fella relived of all that built up pressure? I never refused.
