Sex story of the day

I was vacationing with one of my good friends at a beach house in Goa. We were both really horny and she suggested we go to town to find some guys to fuck. After looking for an hour or two we gave up and decided to walk back to the house on the beach in the dark.

As we walked we discussed sexual preferences and she stated she loved to experiment. All at once my pussy started getting really wet and hot. Even though I am straight I was really horny and decided to go for it. Right before we got to the house I pulled her down on top of me in the sand and we started making out.

I slid my hand down her jeans, under her thong and used two fingers to tease her clit. Finally I stuck three fingers into her wet, tight pussy. She gasped and immediately pushed her hips against mine. She frantically removed my shirt and started sucking my nipples, at the same time she unbuttoned my shorts.

She slowly moved down towards my pussy, licking my breasts and stomach. I want to scream EAT MY PUSSY NOW!, but remembered we were on the beach and just moaned. As she slid her tongue in and out of me I writhed and shook in pleasure. I came hard and she swallowed my juices then licked my pussy dry.

Just as I was about to go down on her we heard footsteps coming toward us. She quickly grabbed the clothes and my hand and we ran naked up the beach into the house so we could finish what we started. It was the best sex Ive had.
