Most Watched Videos are Paris and Kim's sex tapes

Footage showing a exposed Paris Hilton receiving a bath has turn a many watched showbiz video, with nearly 800,000 people observation it this year alone.

The video, that was unintentional, has turn a many watched clip for a second consecutive year after it surfaced in 2007, a Sun reported.

The second place was taken by a video of actress Lindsay Lohan doing a topless turn in a Machete trailer, as well as actress Gemma Atkinson's flesh-flashing lesbian romp in a Boogie Woogie promo came third.

Actress Pamela Anderson's early morning acquire for a iPhone warning was fourth, as well as footage from socialite Kim Kardashian's sex tape took fifth place.

The tip ten many watched showbiz videos are:

1. New Paris sex tape

2. Lindsay Lohan topless

3. Gemma Atkinson topless

4. Wake Up With Sexy Pam

5. Kim Kardashian sex tape
